Kescows Nebes Moy gans Ian Jackson Publisher: Agan Tavas This is a follow on dictionary from Gerlyver Kescows but with words allocated to categories of use. For example Agriculture, Emotion, Finance/Economics and many, many more. Ian has ensured that the 5000 additional words to be found in this dictionary are not repetition of those found […]
Dysky Kernewek
Gerlyver Kescows gans Ian Jackson
Dyllor: Agan Tavas Gerlyver noweth gans an porpos ry gweres dhe gescows dhe Yeth an Weryn ha cuntellyansow erel Kernewegoryon. Kernewek – Sawsnek, Sawsnek – Kernewek gans 5000 ger dewysys awos an lyklod a’ga bos usyes dhe wharfosow cowethasek. Braster A5 gans 300 folen. Possybyl yw gweles exampyl an pyth ues aberveth omma. Y hyllyr dyscarga […]
GERYOW GWIR gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher: Evertype Nicholas Williams has examined the vocabulary of revived Cornish and found a number of usages which are inauthentic when compared to the historical texts upon which the revival is based. In this book he provides examples which are an aid to improving the quality of Cornish spoken today. KS 978-1-78201-030-0 […]
PUBLISHER: Spyrys a Gernow Of interest to the holiday maker in search of an unusual memento of his visit but also provides some very useful Cornish phrases for the learner. Now into a 6th edition. 978-0-9564234-1-2 UC £3.50
A PRACTICAL BOOK OF CORNISH VERBS cuntellys gans Delia Brotherton
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas A verb book for Unified Cornish. This book lists all the main Cornish verbs with full conjugations provided for many of them. In addition there are useful notes about the idiomatic use of Cornish verbs. UC 978-1-901409-14-7 £8.95
DESKY KERNOWEK gans N.J.A. Williams, MA, PhD, DipCeltStud. (Golvan)
PUBLISHER: EVERTYPE and sponsored by Agan Tavas A fully comprehensive grammar of Cornish. As well as providing all the grammar necessary to master the language this book provides a number of pointers to errors that revivalists have made in the past. All in all this book takes Cornish today to a new level of authenticity. […]
YN KERNEWEK LAVAR E! gans Edwin Chirgwin (Map Melyn)
A reprint of the 1937 edition of Edward Chirgwin’s phrase book. It contains 240 remarks in Cornish some of which will be unfamiliar today even to fluent speakers. UC £4.95
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas A course book for the Standard Written Form with traditional graphs. A friendly illustrated course book which teaches the language in a ‘can do’ way. 978-1-901409-12-3 Adults Edition SWF (t) £8.95 Now available – a CD to accompany Skeul an Tavas with pronunciation of all the Cornish words in the book. £5
KESCOWSOW – Conversations in Cornish gans John Parker
A series of role play situations designed to help students improve their spoken Cornish. English on one page and Cornish on the opposite page. 13 scenarios. UC 978-0-9548451-4-8 £1.90
PUBLISHER: y Lolfa This is an informal way to learn Cornish by means of lively and amusing cartoons. The Cornish acquired will help the student to take part in everyday conversation with ease. All this for a bargain price! UC 0 86243 659 1 £4.95
KERNUAK ES by Andrew Climo-Thompson
PUBLISHER: Kernuak Es This is the first course book to make use of Unified Cornish Revised but with a few “variations found in West Cornwall”. It has plenty of useful exercises and the aim is to help the student to speak Cornish without having to learn too much grammar. UC 0 9541494 0 8 £7.95 […]
A NEW Cornish–English English Cornish DICTIONARY by R Morton–Nance
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas This is the fourth reprint and Morton-Nance memorial edition of the much sought–after 1938 dictionary. It contains much useful material which was omitted from later dictionaries for reasons of economy. A word list at the back ensures that new words found since 1938 are included. 438 pages. UC 1 901409 03 1 […]
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas A lively Cornish phrase book that puts humour into the language. Pocket sized and spiral bound. 1 901409 07 4 £1.95
CLAPPYA KERNOWEK gans N.J.A. Williams, MA, PhD, DipCeltStud. (Golvan)
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas The first Cornish grammar to be written by a professional Celtic scholar. This book brings Unified Cornish up to date with the latest Celtic Studies. It contains 29 lessons and a short vocabulary, many of the revisions contained in this book make the learning of Cornish simpler while at the same time […]
KERNEWEK MAR PLEK! by Christine Truran
950643157 Book 1 and the tapes are out of stock but book 2 is still available. A useful and fun addition to other learning material. UC 950643157 Book 2 £4.99
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas A supplement to the Unified Cornish Dictionary of Robert Morton–Nance. This supplement proposes suitable words for items in the kitchen and road transport. UC 1901409007 £1.95
PUBLISHER: Cornish Language Board This book provides a very good elementary grammar of Cornish and is an ideal book to use alongside the Kernewek Mar Plek course where the grammar provided is more basic. UC 185022076X £3.95
PUBLISHER: Agan Tavas The third supplement proposes suitable words for a variety of modern concepts. UC £2.60
PUBLISHER: Dyllansow Truran This fine book by Rod Lyon & John Pengilly has been written to show the learner the pattern of everyday traditional spoken Cornish.It uses examples from the early revivalists who wrote down what they heard from native speakers of the time. UC 1850220344 £1.60
CORNISH SIMPLIFIED – Part 2 by A.S.D. Smith (Caradar) edited by Talek
PUBLISHER: Dyllansow Truran A.S.D. Smith left a mass of valuable notes which he had intended to use in an “Advanced Cornish Grammar” and Talek has made them available to learners in this volume. UC 0907566693 £4.50
PUBLISHER: Cornish Language Board This supplement proposes suitable words for items in the Home and Office. UC £1.90