This is the Agan Tavas award for literature in Cornish. We hope that it will encourage Cornish speakers to write or translate literature in Cornish so it can be published. Because revived Cornish has been spelt in a number of ways over the years, orthography will not be a factor in deciding the winner. The closing date for entries is 1st October and any work of more than 2000 words written or published during the previous 12 months is eligible. Entries must be original or translations into Cornish. As well as the presentation of the perpetual trophy and the award certificate, the award for original writing in Cornish will consist of a £300.00 cash prize. The award will be presented to the winning entrant in February at the Agan Tavas Annual General Meeting. We can help prepare work for publication if it has not already been done and make the new work more widely available.
The award, consisting of a perpetual trophy and a certificate, has been named the “Pewas Perghyryn Lyenyeth Kernewek” (The Michael Palmer Award for Cornish Language Literature) in honour of Michael Palmer, a prolific writer of verse, short stories and novels in Cornish before his death in 2005.
Entry forms for the award can be downloaded here and the rules can be downloaded here or by post with a stamped self addressed envelope from The Secretary, Agan Tavas, Gordon Villa, Sunnyvale Road, Portreath, TR16 4NE.