Esyly class Kernowek Eglos Melan hag Agan Tavas a dheth warbarth 2sa Metheven rag deth yn mes yn Eglos Melan. Wosa prys ly yn tavern ny a wrug dyskyvera an eglos ha gul lergh tresor adro dhe’n dreveglos. Bus an randyr a ve usyes rag mos dhe Eglos Melan, chons dhe’n dremenysy clowes Kernowek. Yth […]
Author: Ray Chubb
Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz
Dyllor: Evertype This wonderful book now in Cornish. It has the all of the original illustrations in full colour and it is beautifully type set. The Cornish is easy to read and it would make a great bed time story or maybe something to read for the less advanced learner. KS ISBN: 978-1-78201-203-0 £28.95
Ertach Bal yn Kernewek!
10ves mys Du dhe Jy Murdoch, Redruth esel Agan Tavas Ian Jackson a ros cows yn Kernewek tuchya ystory balyeth y’n pow adro dhe Garnky. Yth o apert Ian, neb yw scolyk yethow adar ystory balyeth, re wrussa muer a whythrans adro dhe’n testen. Yndella y gows o muer dhe les hag y whrug comprehendya […]
Gerlyver Kescows gans Ian Jackson
Dyllor: Agan Tavas Gerlyver noweth gans an porpos ry gweres dhe gescows dhe Yeth an Weryn ha cuntellyansow erel Kernewegoryon. Kernewek – Sawsnek, Sawsnek – Kernewek gans 5000 ger dewysys awos an lyklod a’ga bos usyes dhe wharfosow cowethasek. Braster A5 gans 300 folen. Possybyl yw gweles exampyl an pyth ues aberveth omma. Y hyllyr dyscarga […]
Cornish for All gans Robert Morton Nance
Dyllor: Agan Tavas Hem yw peswera dyllans an lyver cors a wrug comendya Kernewek Unyes yn 1929. Dyllys gans cumyas Kefrysyans Cowethasow Kernow Goth yma an dyllans copy kewar ma ow tos gans PG, ha warnodho lef Mordon y honen usy ow redya nebes an textow ystorek kefys y’n keyn an lyver. Hem yw an […]
Seythen Cows Kernewek – Tro Kyttryn
24a mys Metheven 17 . Avel ran Seythen Cows Kernewek esyly Agan Tavas re restras tro adro dhe Gernow West gans powes yn Plu Ust rak prys ly ha gwaryow Kernewek. Lyes person a wrug entra an kyttryn yn tylleryow dyvers hag yth esa muer a Gernowek dhe vos clewys.
Agan Tavas members at Trevithick Day 2017
Yth esa esyly Agan Tavas dhe vos gweles yn apert ow ry gweres gans stalla Cowethas an Yeth Kernewek Cambron orth Deth Trevithick an vledhen ma.
Semlant noweth rag An Gowsva
Yth yw res dhe dermyn lyver ‘an chy’ Agan Tavas – An Gowsva semlant noweth. Muer ras dhe’n stryvyans galwansus esel Nigel Roberts An Gowsva re be dasnowethys yn tyen ha lemmyn an termyn lyver a yl sevel yn prowt ryb lyfrow termyn a’n keth par yw dyllys gans lyes moy copy. Na wreugh ankevy […]
Publisher: Evertype This book brings together in one convenient volume eight articles by Professor Williams on Traditional Cornish. 978-1-78201-038-8 […]
Thoughts on Cornish Today
Dyllor: Agan Tavas Dhe dhorn ynweth yndan ‘Lyfrow hep cost’. 978-1-901409-18-5 £2.50
RIP VAN WINKLE gans Washington Irving trelyes gans Eddie Climo
Publisher Gwask an Orlewen The amazing story from America now translated into Cornish. This book has all the original colour illustrations, a delight to own. UC £8.95 Cornish/English version without the colour illustrations £6.45
Cuntellyans Kemyn Bledhennek 2017
Kens dhe’n Cuntellyans Kemyn Bledhennek Agan Tavas synsys 18ves mys Whevrel dhe Jy Murdoch, Redruth yth esa presentyans an pewas lyennek, Pewas Perghyryn. An gwaynyor an vledhen ma, wosa mernans, a ve Eddie Climo rag y drelyans Rip Van Winkle. Yma an skesen ow tysquedhes Laurie Climo, broder Eddie, ow kemeres an Pewas. An sodhogyon […]
Publisher: Evertype In this book Nicholas Williams examines what scribal usage from the historical corpus is telling us about the use of the consonants in revived Cornish spelling. 978-1-78201-185-9 […]
DRACÙLA hag ÔSTYAS DRACÙLA gans Bram Stoker trelyes gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher Evertype The famous horror story now in Cornish. This latest translation from Nicholas Williams is a monumental work which required some new vocabulary for Cornish. New words are listed in the back of the book. KS 978-1-78201-190-3 […]
Publisher: Gwask an Orlewen A facsimile of Pryce’s original 1778 edition. Many of the terms listed in this book will, of course, be derived from Cornish. The late Eddie Climo has produced on facing pages a clearer version of the texts with Unified and Late Cornish equivalents for the terms listed. £4.95
HONNA Story Viaj Coynt gans H. Ryder Haggard trelyes gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher Evertype The famous story often seen on screen. It is a pleasure to read the full story in Cornish. KS 978-1-78201-132-3 […]
DHE EMLOW an GALAKSI gans Rod Lyon
Publisher: Kesva an Tavas Kernewek. The first original novel in Cornish for a while and winner of the 2016 Pewas Perghyryn award. An interesting science fiction story along the lines of Star Trek adventures. Nevertheless there is some new science fiction thinking in Rod’s writing which makes the book well worth reading. SWF(m) ISBN: 978-1-908965-13-4 […]
CÂSS COYNT an DOCTOUR JEKYLL ha MÊSTER HYDE gans Robert Louis Stevenson trelyes gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher Evertype The original story skilfully translated. There is much more to the story than that seen on screen. KS 978-1-78201-103-3 […]
DER an GWEDER ASPYA ha MYNS a GAFAS ALYS ENA gans Lewis Carroll trelyes gans Nicholas Williams
Pubisher: Evertype The sequel of Course. KS 978-1-78201-096-8 […]
TREDDEN IN SCATH gans Jerome K. Jerome trelyes gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher: Evertype Three men in a boat now in Cornish. KS 978-1-78201-093-7 […]
GERYOW GWIR gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher: Evertype Nicholas Williams has examined the vocabulary of revived Cornish and found a number of usages which are inauthentic when compared to the historical texts upon which the revival is based. In this book he provides examples which are an aid to improving the quality of Cornish spoken today. KS 978-1-78201-030-0 […]
FLEHES AN HENS HORN gans Edith Nesbit trelyes gans Nicholas Williams
Publisher: Evertype A Cornish edition of this well known story. Perhaps because it is so well known, much can be gained by reading it in faultless Cornish. KS 978-1-78201-003-6 […]